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The following information is published with ROUNDALAB's permission from the ROUNDALAB Reference Manual compiled by Richard & Jo Ann Lawson, 1987.

Inter-Relating Round Dance and Square Dance Activities

by: Irv and Betty Easterday

In many areas of the country, and abroad, it is most necessary for the Round Dance groups to work closely with the Square Dance organization. Until very recently, most of the new dancers who entered this Round Dance recreation were, first and foremost, square dancers. Quite often the callers introduced them to rounds in beginner square dance classes.

Experience and judgment are needed to successfully handle relations within the square dance movement. We, Round Dancers, are in many instances dependent on the square dance movement for supplying special events where we may dance. In many areas, Round Dance clubs are quite small and unable to support a festival or weekend on their own. And, needless to say, one way to encourage others to join this activity with us is for us to happily join in their fun also.

The first step is to encourage square dance clubs to program rounds. This should be done carefully. Select dances to be programmed with great care. Be sure to select material that will interest most of the dancers present. A full circle of dancers having fun with an interesting routine is a sure sign to square dancers that rounds are healthy for their club or festival.

The Round Dance leader can keep the entire program moving if after he has played a round he can effectively and enthusiastically say "Square 'em up!" This usually is the cue for the caller to take the microphone for the next tip. We have found that an effective Round Dance leader, with good, well-planned programming, can usually encourage the caller to more tips, and thereby offer more dancing in a given evening program.

Each area is unique. Each area has problems of its own. Talk to others to find out how they have solved any difficulties that they might have had. Remember to be kind, pleasant and enthusiastic. Round Dancing is such fun - we all want everyone to enjoy it with us!

Roundalab Journal, May, 1983