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The following information is published with ROUNDALAB's permission from the ROUNDALAB Reference Manual compiled by Richard & Jo Ann Lawson, 1987.

Teaching as Team Both On and Off the Dance Floor

As practiced by Richard and Jo Anne Lawson

  1. On the Floor
    1. Duties of the Vocal Partner
      1. Set up equipment
      2. Get records for night in order
      3. Teach
        1. Know your part, partner's part, the sequence, the routine
        2. Develop system of explaining and instructing that is effective with dancers
        3. Show his part, her part, together
        4. Develop "help" signals
          1. Squeeze hand
          2. Back pressure
          3. Eye contact
      4. Cue
        1. Develop effective method of cueing so dancers can react effortlessly
        2. Be prepared to cue each new routine
      5. Do's and Don'ts of Attitude Toward Partner
        1. Do
          1. Give credit to your partner
          2. Show respect and admiration for partner
          3. Listen to partner
        2. Don't
          1. Make jokes about or fun of your partner
          2. Fuss at partner on floor
          3. Argue about how to do a figure or sequence
          4. Blame anything on partner
          5. Make a frown or grimace at partner
          6. Push or jerk partner around
    2. Duties of the Non-Vocal Partner
      1. Be prepared to set up equipment if necessary
      2. Set up coffee, etc.
      3. Welcome dancers as they arrive
      4. Be prepared to teach in case of emergency
        1. Know routine as well as vocal partner
        2. Be able to teach his part also
      5. Listen carefully to vocal partner so you will know what to do when he calls on you
      6. Partner should tell you what is coming up, but also develop certain amount of "mindreading" ability
      7. Let vocal partner be in control
        1. Tell ideas you have directly to partner and let him instruct dancers
        2. Give instructions when requested by vocal partner
        3. Watch floor for partner and tell him of any problems
      8. Find records for requests while cuer is cueing
      9. Keep records
        1. Of dances danced, reviewed, taught
        2. Of dancers attending
        3. Of dues paid
        4. Of figures or dances needing review
      10. Be prepared to cue if necessary
  2. Off the Floor
    1. Duties of the Vocal Partner
      1. Develop cue terms for dance to be taught
      2. Make cue cards if desired
      3. Keep equipment in good repair
      4. Prepare program for club dance
      5. Practice Cueing for club dance and/or festival
    2. Duties of the Non-Vocal Partner
      1. Correspondence
        1. Answer and write letters
        2. Thank you notes for cue sheets, records and Round of the Month certificates
        3. Handle contracts
        4. Make reports
      2. Bookkeeping
        1. Keep a Ledger
        2. Write checks and balance checkbook
        3. Prepare income tax
      3. Choreography
        1. Constant search for good music
        2. Write dance
        3. Write and type cue sheet
        4. Mail cue sheets
      4. Festival Arrangements
        1. Prepare clothes
        2. Follow Check List to be sure you don't forget anything
        3. Keep records
          1. Clothes worn
          2. Dances taught
          3. Exhibitions done
        4. Thank you notes
    3. Duties as a Team
      1. Selecting Material for Club Dance
        1. Evaluate music for dancer appeal, phrasing and rhythm pattern
        2. Review cue sheets for flow, sequence and comfortable figure execution
      2. Club Dance Preparation
        1. Work out routine
        2. Help each other with difficult spots, new figures or "traps"
        3. Decide together best way to present a dance
      3. Festival Preparation
        1. Select material as above
        2. Coordinate with Festival Round Dance Chairman
          1. Level
          2. Rhythm
          3. Number of teaches
          4. Mail cue sheets to Chairman
          5. Arrange air transportation if festival committee doesn't handle
        3. Work on festival material
        4. Plan and practice exhibitions

Presented at the Roundalab Round Dance Teachers Seminar/Clinic in Houston, Texas, on Wednesday, June 24, 1987.