ROM Selection Requirements
Excerpt from the
"Practices & Procedures for Oregon Federation of Square & Round Dance Clubs (opens new tab) "
Printed: 4 Feb 2024.
Section VII-5 through VII-6.
The Screening Committee's function is to assist the Areas in the selection of Round of the Month (ROM). The Round Dance Screening Chairperson is appointed by ORDTA.
- The Chairperson will appoint a committee of two ORDTA members that will assist in selecting dances for the suggested ROM list sent to the areas for selection.
- The Chairperson will send information to the Area responsible for selecting the ROM approximately one months before the selection is to be turned into the Chairperson.
The information will consist of:
- Requirements set by the State on picking a ROM.
- A list of suggested dances with cue sheets and a copy of the cued music.
- An accompanying letter that specifies the return date for the selection made by the Area Council.
- When Chairperson receives the area selection, they will notify the Oregon Federation News of the selection one month prior to publication of the ROM date and supply a cue sheet of the selection.
- The Chairperson will attend the State meetings.
- Every year in March, the ROM will be a classic round chosen by ORDTA. This classic ROM must still meet the Federation guidelines, as listed on the following page.152
Type and availability of recorded music.
- Appropriate digital formats in current use.
- Widely available.
Level of complexity.
- Should be simple, with figures from Roundalab Phase I and Phase II, and not more than two (2) figures from Phase III. In Roundalab terminology, this means Phase II, Phase II+1, or Phase II+2.154
- An instructor should be able to teach the dance in 30 minutes or less.
Cue Sheet.
- The cue sheet should be clearly written, using standard RAL terminology in up-to-date form. If one is not sure exactly what the choreographer means in the cue sheet then consider carefully whether it should be an Oregon Round of the Month.
- No changes can be made to the original cue sheet. (Exception would be if the choreographer corrects a mistake on the cue sheet.)
Area Responsibilities.
- Each Area will select a Round Dance Coordinator, whose responsibility will be to see that all the requirements are met. The Coordinator will forward information to the Screening Committee Chairperson.
- Check with Screening Committee for availability of music if dance is not on the recommended list.
- Area will submit first, second and third choice, one of which must be from the recommended list.
- If the Area elects to select a dance not on the recommended list, they must supply a cue sheet and ensure that the music for the dance is widely available. They must notify the Screening Committee.
- If Area prefers not to select a R.O.M., they may ask the Screening Committee to make the choice.
- If the Screening Committee does not receive the information by the designated date, the Screening Committee will make the selection.
Appointed Screening Committee responsibilities:
Assist Chairperson:
- To submit appropriate dances for the list.
- To assist Chairperson for other tasks needed.
- Provide lists, cued music,and cue sheets of appropriate current Round Dances.
- If Round Dance selection from Area does not meet the requirements of the Oregon State Federation, will recommend to Chairperson an appropriate replacement.
- Locate existing sources for the music identified in the dances.
- Make available information on Roundalab Phase Rating System upon request.
Assist Chairperson:
151 Revised: 01/2017
152 Adopted: 11/16/1997
153 Adopted: 06/13/1993; revised: 01/2017
154 Revised: 09/10/1996, revised: 11/16/2003