Oregon Round Dance Teachers Association

Application for Membership
Check one:    Regular Member    Associate Member    [See below]

Name Partner's Name
City State ZIP -
Phone ()- E-Mail

Are you a Round Dance Cuer?  Yes   No    If yes, how long have you been cueing?
Are you a Teacher of Rounds?  Yes   No    If yes, how long have you been teaching?
Presently what phase(s) do you cue?      II    III    IV    V    VI
Presently what phase(s) do you teach?   II    III    IV    V    VI

If applying for Regular Membership, please fill out the background information:

  1. How did you enter Round Dancing?
  2. Dance training - How did you learn?
  3. Teacher Training:
    1. Round Dance College?
    2. Round Dance Institute?
    3. Other?
  4. Teaching Experience
    1. When did you start teaching?
    2. Are you still actively teaching?
    3. Have there been interruptions in your teaching?
    4. Do you cue for a square dance club?

I verify that the above is correct and current.

Signed (Applicant) Date

Co-Signed (Sponsor) Date

Do you want an ORDTA badge?  Yes   No

Name wanted for your badge

Name for partner's badge

Badges are cost plus shipping with the option to pick up at the next meeting to save shipping. Payment is due when badges have been received by the applicant.

Annual dues are $10.00 per teaching unit and run from July 1 through June 30. Dues must accompany this application. Make check(s) out to ORDTA and attach to this application.

Regular Member
Must meet one of the following criteria and complete the subsequent application procedure.

  1. Charter Member as of January, 1981
  2. Regular Member as of October 2, 1983
  3. Has been teaching round dancing for a minimum of one year and is currently teaching a round dance class
  4. If not teaching, has been cueing rounds for a minimum of three years and is currently cueing rounds for a round or square dance club


  1. Submit to the Treasurer, at a regularly scheduled meeting, a completed application for regular status, signed by a regular member in good standing, who is acting as applicant's sponsor. One year's dues must accompany the application if the applicant is not an associate member in good standing.
  2. The application will be presented to the membership for vote at that meeting. Affirmative vote of two-thirds of the voting members shall constitute acceptance.

Associate Member
Must meet the following criteria and complete the subsequent application procedure.

  1. Has the basic knowledge to be at least a Phase II dancer.
  2. Is interested in becoming a round dance cuer/teacher and is actively working toward that goal.


  1. Submit to the Treasurer, at a regularly scheduled meeting, a completed application for associate status, signed by a regular member in good standing, who is acting as applicant's sponsor. One year's dues must accompany the application.
  2. The application will be presented to the membership for vote at that meeting. Affirmative vote of two-thirds of the voting members shall constitute acceptance.