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NSDC 2012 Letter of Support

October 13, 2007

Harry & Pat Nelson
President, National Executive Committee

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Nelson:

It is my pleasure as Chairman of the Oregon Round Dance Teachers Association, Inc., to declare our support to the Square and Folk Dance Federation of Washington, Inc. (opens new tab) , in their bid for the National Square Dance Convention to be held in 2012 in Spokane, Washington.

The Oregon Round Dance Teachers Association, Inc., was organized in 1981: to improve, strengthen, promote, and encourage the enjoyment of the Round Dance movement in the State of Oregon, in all phases; to cooperate with other leaders, callers, and organizations; to promote Round Dancing as part of Square Dancing; to provide a vehicle for teachers and leaders to exchange ideas, dance material information, and fellowship; and to assist in the improvement of the professional development and skills of area Round Dancer teachers and leaders.

We look forward to hearing that Washington has indeed been awarded the National Square Dance Convention in 2012.


Dennis Smith
Oregon Round Dance Teachers Association, Inc.