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The following information is published with ROUNDALAB's permission from the ROUNDALAB Reference Manual compiled by Richard & Jo Ann Lawson, 1987.

Teaching as a Team

Irv & Betty Easterday

  1. Both must be equally interested and committed.
  2. Both must have individual responsibilities - be equally involved.
  3. Decide who will do the TEACHING. At no time should the non-teacher partner interrupt the "teacher" while he or she is explaining. This not only confuses the dancers but interrupts the "teacher's" train of thought.
  4. To clarify a point, the non-teaching partner can quietly let the "teacher" know he or she wishes to say something that will assist "his or her sex".
  5. It is important that non-teaching partner check cue sheet of dance to be taught even though "teacher" studies it for teaching. It is easy to miss something in the "fine print" and two pairs of eyes and heads are better than one.
  6. DUTIES of running Club or Class should be SHARED and balanced out:
    1. One sets up equipment, the other set up refreshments.
    2. One handles the mike and does the cueing; the other acts as host or hostess, prepares announcements and/or introductions, and collects the money.
    3. One is responsible for teaching; the other responsible for programming and keeping a record of programming.
    4. During TEACH & CUEING non-teacher checks on & corrects as required level of voice and music.
  7. Both should learn the dance well and dance his part CORRECTLY. Both should be prepared to assist on the side if requested. Excellent where both are familiar with and can execute both Man & Woman's part.
  8. Non-teacher should be alert to "floor" as the dance is being taught. Act as extra eyes as to needs of individual dancers.
  9. Both should keep up with their dancing so that they are not only a good TEACHING TEAM but also a good DANCING TEAM.
  10. It is well to dress as a TEAM - co-ordinate colors as much as possible to present a pleasant picture on the floor.
  11. Any definite differences of opinion should not be aired on the floor while teaching.
  12. BE A TEAM: through action, word & appearance.