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Oregon Round Dance Teachers Association

Bylaws Adopted January 1982
Amended October 1983
Amended July 1987
Amended September 1990
Amended May 1995
Amended January 2000
Amended October 2000
Amended January 2008
Amended April 2011
Amended April 2012
Amended October 2012
Amended October 2019

  1. Name
    The name of this organization shall be Oregon Round Dance Teachers Association (ORDTA). The official address of the organization shall be the home address of the current Secretary.
  2. Purpose
    The purpose of this organization shall be:
    1. To improve, strengthen, promote, and encourage the enjoyment of the Round Dance movement in the State of Oregon, in all phases.
    2. To cooperate with other leaders, callers, and organizations.
    3. To promote Round Dancing as a part of Square Dancing.
    4. To provide a vehicle for teachers/leaders to exchange ideas, dance material information, and good fellowship.
    5. To assist in the improvement of the professional development and skills of area Round Dance teachers/leaders.
  3. Membership and Voting Rights
    1. Membership
      1. Regular Membership
        Regular membership status may be conferred upon any cuer/instructor whose qualifications meet at least one of the following criteria:
        1. A charter member as of January, 1981.
        2. A regular member as of October 2, 1983.
        3. Has been teaching round dancing for a minimum of one year, currently teaching a round dance class, and has successfully completed the application procedures set forth in Section III.A.4 below.
        4. If not teaching a class, must have been cueing rounds for a minimum of three years, currently cueing rounds for a square or round dance club, and has successfully completed the application procedures set forth in Section III.A.4 below.
      2. Associate Membership
        Associate membership status may be conferred upon any person who meets the following criteria:
        1. Has the basic knowledge to be a least a Phase II round dancer.
        2. Is interested in becoming a round dance cuer/instructor and is actively working toward that goal.
        3. Has successfully completed the application procedures set forth in Section III.A.4 below.
      3. Inactive Membership
        Inactive membership status may be conferred upon any person who meets the following criteria:
        1. A regular or associate member in good standing, not currently teaching or cueing, but wanting to remain involved in the round dance activity.
      4. Application Procedures
        1. Associate Membership
          1. Submit to the Treasurer, in person, at a regularly scheduled meeting, a completed application for associate status, signed by a regular member in good standing who is acting as the applicant's sponsor. Such completed application must be accompanied by payment for the current year's dues.
          2. Such completed application shall be presented by the Treasurer at that meeting of the Association for vote by the membership. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of those voting members present at such meeting shall constitute acceptance of the application for associate membership.
        2. Regular Membership
          1. A cuer/instructor who meets the criteria of Paragraph 1.c or d of this Section III, shall submit to the Treasurer, in person, at a regularly scheduled meeting, a completed application for regular status, signed by a regular member in good standing who is acting as the applicant's sponsor. Such completed application must be accompanied by payment for the current year's dues if applicant is not an associate member in good standing.
          2. Such completed application shall be presented by the Treasurer at that meeting of the Association for vote by the membership. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of those voting members present at such meeting shall constitute acceptance of the application for regular membership.
          3. No officer of the Association shall be responsible for determining when an associate member may apply for regular membership; that responsibility rests with the associate member.
        3. Inactive Membership
          1. A regular or associate member in good standing shall notify the Treasurer of his or her desire to remain involved in Oregon Round Dance Teachers Association.
          2. No officer of the Association shall be responsible for determining when a member may apply for inactive membership; that responsibility rests with the member.
      5. No person shall be refused membership in this Association by reason of age, gender, national origin, religious preference, or sexual orientation.
      6. The word "member" as used in these bylaws shall include such member's partner. "Partner" shall include dancing partner, and/or teaching partner; need not be the member's legal marital partner.
    2. Voting Rights
      1. Regular Membership
        Both the member and the member's partner are entitled to one (1) vote each.
      2. Associate Membership
        Associate members do not have voting privileges.
      3. Inactive Membership
        Inactive members will have the same voting privilege as regular or associate members, depending on status at time of becoming inactive, but cannot be members of the Board of Directors.
    3. Requirements for Voting Rights
      Only regular members, active or inactive, may vote. To be considered a member, dues must be current.
  4. Officers and Committees
    1. The officers of the organization shall be:
      1. Chairman
      2. Vice Chairman
      3. Secretary
      4. Treasurer
    2. The management of the Association shall be vested in the Board of Officers. The Board shall include the elected officers, the Immediate Past Chairman, and three (3) elected members-at-large.
    3. Board of Officers
      1. The Board of Officers shall be regular members in good standing.
      2. The Board of Officers shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee or by a regular member at the annual meeting of the Association (during Mid-Winter Festival) of even years.
      3. If there are no contested races, a motion to elect by acclamation may be requested. If the motion passes, the Board of Officers will be elected by acclamation. The election by ballot vote (IV.C.4) will not be held.
      4. If the Board of Officers is not elected by acclamation (IV.C.3), elections shall be held by mail (U.S. mail or electronic) with the ballots mailed to all members by February 15 and returned to the Secretary by March 15. The Secretary shall tabulate the ballots, and announce the results by April 15. In the event of a tie for any office, a runoff election shall be held immediately with the ballots returned to the Secretary by April 15. If a tie then still exists, the Board of Officers will vote. Officers shall be elected by a plurality vote of those regular members voting.
      5. The term of office shall be for two years, to run from September 1 following the election through August 31 of the next even year.
    4. Committees shall be formed whenever committee action is required to carry out the functions of the Association. Such committees shall be formed at the request of the membership or the Chairman; membership in such committees is voluntary.
  5. Duties of Officers
    1. Chairman
      The Chairman shall preside at all business meetings and all meetings of the Board of Officers, appoint all representatives and committees, assist and advise the program chairman, be certain that all committees are informed and that they follow through in the performance of their duties, assist committees and other officers when necessary, and be authorized to sign Association checks in the absence of the Treasurer.
    2. Vice Chairman
      The Vice Chairman shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the Chairman, and shall perform all duties assigned by the Chairman. In addition, the Vice Chairman shall be responsible for the program at each regular meeting of the Association. When the cost of a proposed program will exceed $50, approval for such program must first be given by the Board of Officers.
    3. Secretary
      The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the association and shall also handle all correspondence pertaining to association business when necessary, unless such correspondence is the obvious responsibility of another officer or committee. The Secretary shall be responsible for sending and receiving mail ballots; and otherwise keeping all members supplied with bylaws, rosters, and minutes of meetings.
    4. Treasurer
      The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting and recording all dues payments. The Treasurer shall maintain the membership roster, maintain any and all Association bank accounts, make all disbursements from such accounts, and deposit funds to such accounts. All disbursements must be supported by a receipt or voucher. The Treasurer must submit a financial report at each convened meeting of the Association and the Board of Officers, and at any other time if required by the Chairman.
    5. Immediate Past Chairman
      The Immediate Past Chairman shall be a member of the Board of Officers and shall assist the Chairman in the carry-over business from the previous year.
    6. Board of Officers
      The Board of Officers shall act to carry out the policies of the Association between regular meetings. They shall be responsible for the approval of any program costing more than $50. In addition, the Board shall be responsible for an annual audit of the Treasurer's records.
  6. Meetings
    The Association shall hold at least one (1) regular meeting each year, at Mid-Winter Festival. The Mid-Winter Festival meeting shall be the annual meeting. A quorum at meetings shall be a simple majority of the members of the Board of Officers.
  7. Dues
    1. Dues shall be Ten Dollars ($10) per annum for all members, and shall become due and payable July 1 of each year (even though officers' tenure becomes effective September 1). Any member whose dues are more than ninety (90) days in arrears will be automatically dropped from membership and must thereafter re-apply for membership.
    2. No other assessment shall be made of the membership except by a two-thirds vote of regular members voting. Notice of the intent to make an assessment must be mailed to all members at least 30 days prior to the date of the meeting where the vote will be taken.
  8. Officer Vacancies
    The vacancy of the office of Chairman shall be filled by the Vice Chairman. All other vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the Chairman then in office.
  9. Voice of the Association
    No opinion, endorsement, or preference purporting to have been made by this Association shall be publicized unless such opinion, endorsement, or preference shall have been determined by an actual poll of the entire membership, and not just a majority of those present at a meeting.
  10. Delegate to State Federation Meetings
    A delegate shall be appointed from ORDTA regular membership to serve as the Association's representative to attend meetings of the Oregon State Federation.
  11. Resignation and Reinstatement
    If at any time a member wishes to resign from the Association, such member shall submit his or her intentions in writing to the Treasurer. No cancellation or refund of dues will be made. If a member who resigns wishes to be reinstated, he or she must make application to the Association as a new member.
  12. Parliamentary Authority
    The proceedings of this Association shall be governed by the rules contained in the current edition of "Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised" in all cases where they are applicable, except where such rules conflict with the provisions of these bylaws or any subsequent rule or order of the Association.
  13. Dissolution
    In the event of dissolution of this Association, after paying all liabilities, the Board of Officers shall dispose of all assets of the Association to such non-profit organization organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, or scientific purposes.
  14. Amendments
    All changes to these Bylaws shall be made by amendment, approved by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (⅔) of the members present and voting, provided that the proposed amendment(s) was presented at the last previous meeting and provided that each member has been notified of the proposed amendment(s) in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting of adoption.