ROUNDALAB Reference Manual
The following information is published with ROUNDALAB's permission from the ROUNDALAB Reference Manual compiled by Richard & Jo Ann Lawson, 1987.
- Hints for Good Cueing: Bill and Carol Goss, undated
- Helpful Hints for Cueing Rounds: Ray and Ivy Hutchinson, American Square Dance, September, 1984
- Intro to Easy Round Dance Teaching and Cueing for Callers and/or Their Spouses: Bob Fry, ROUNDALAB Journal, June, 1980
- Cueing: Bruce and Roberta Bird, ROUNDALAB Journal, Summer, 1982
- The Purpose of Cueing - Are We Accomplishing It?: Nancy and Leonard Seely, ROUNDALAB Journal, February, 1982
- Cueing: Frank and Iris Gilbert, ROUNDALAB Journal, February, 1984
- Cueing Seminar: Jack and Ione Kern, undated
- Teaching Outline: Ray and Anne Brown, June, 1975
- Letter to ROUNDALAB on Cueing and Teacher Training: from Roy and Phyllis Stier, 12/10/85
- Letter to ROUNDALAB on Cueing, Teaching, and Leadership: from Bob and Martha McNutt, undated
- Cue Words - Editorially Speaking: Jack and Carol McLaughlin, ROUNDALAB Journal, November, 1984
- Microphone: Fred and Kay Haury, ROUNDALAB Journal, February, 1982
- Sound and What It Can Do for You: Clancy and Betty Mueller, ROUNDALAB Journal, Summer, 1983
- Styling - What Is It and Is It Necessary?: Monette Courtney, ROUNDALAB Journal, November, 1983
- Round Dancers, Watch Your Hands: Richard and Jo Anne Lawson, ROUNDALAB Journal, May 1983
- Don't Bounce: Brian Bassett, ROUNDALAB Journal, Winter, 1987
- The Two-Step: Millard and June McKinney, ROUNDALAB Journal, Fall, 1986
- The Case is Closed: Veronica McClure, ROUNDALAB Journal, February, 1984
- Leading and Following: Irv and Betty Easterday, undated
- Hints for Good Dancing - Students Learn by Example: Bill and Carol Goss, undated
- Round Dance for Fun (To develop a technique for individual Round Dance styling for beauty and fun): Irv and Betty Esaterday, June, 1986
- The Seven Laws of Leadership: author unknown, undated
- Leadership: Callerlab, October, 1979
- Leadership Characteristics and Traits: Legacy Manual
- Leadership: Charlie and Edith Capon, ROUNDALAB Journal, February, 1983
- Criteria for the Evaluation of Round Dance Leadership: Joe and Es Turner, undated
- How Do You Spell Leadership: Herb Egender, undated
- Round Dance Leadership: Frank and Carolyn Hamilton, Square Dancing, June, 1972
- Put Your Best Foot Forward: Bob Van Antwerp, Square Dancing, June, 1973
- Leadership: Lee Helsel, Square Dancing, November, 1970
- The Importance of Leadership: Author unknown, ROUNDALAB Journal, November, 1982
- Letter to ROUNDALAB on Cueing, Teaching, and Leadership: from Bob and Martha McNutt, undated
- The Professional Round Dance Teacher - What is Involved?: Eddie and Audrey Palmquist, Square Dancing, March, 1984
- The Professional Round Dance Teacher Part II: Eddie and Audrey Palmquist, Square Dancing, April, 1984
- Role of the Round Dance Leader: Doc and Peg Tirrell, Square Dancing, May, 1983
- Time Management: Millie Amundson, ROUNDALAB Journal, April, 1985
- Using Creative Communication Skills: Author unknown, undated
- Psychologically Speaking: Harmon and Betty Jorritsma, ROUNDALAB Journal, February, 1983
- The Whole Person: Harmon Jorritsma, October, 1981
- Humor - A Valuable Part in Round Dancing: Vic and Wynne Mahler, ROUNDALAB Journal, Summer, 1983
- How Much Do You Pay Your Caller?: Author unknown, ROUNDALAB Journal, April, 1985
- How to Promote Round Dancing????? — or Helping Square Dance Callers Help You Promote Round Dancing: Jean C. Ferrell, ROUNDALAB Journal, December, 1981
- Leadership Development in Square and Round Dancing: Duane Blake, ROUNDALAB Journal, November, 1982
- Round Dancing - The Perfect Compliment: Ted Haley, ROUNDALAB Joutnal, February, 1982
- Building Round Dancing Through Square Dancing: Bob and Sally Nolen, ROUNDALAB Journal, April, 1985
- Inter-Relating Round Dance and Square Dance Activities: Irv and Betty Easterday, ROUNDALAB Journal, May, 1983
- The Role of the Round Dance Teacher in the Square Dance Program: Square Dancing, March, 1971
- Teacher Etiquette Suggestions: Wayne and Barbara Blackford, undated
- Flyer/Advertising Preparation: Betty and Dave Quinton, ROUNDALAB Journal, Summer, 1982
- Graduation Ceremony: Anndrea J. Stephan, ROUNDALAB Journal, September, 1984
- Teaching Outline: Ray and Anne Brown, June, 1975
- How to Teach a Round Dance: Bill and Carol Goss, undated
- Letter to ROUNDALAB on Cueing, Teaching, and Leadership: from Bob and Martha McNutt, undated
- Teaching Methods: Glen and Beth McLeod, ROUNDALAB Journal, November, 1982
- Getting Your Knowledge Across: Jim Trulock, ROUNDALAB Journal, Summer, 1982
- Teaching Methods: Harmon and Betty Jorritsma, ROUNDALAB Journal, November, 1982
- Form Your Circle, Dancers: Kay Woodward, ROUNDALAB Journal, May, 1983
- Tools of the Trade: Jack and Muriel Ray, ROUNDALAB Journal, Summer, 1983
- Is There Any Way to Choose Material Other Than the Top Ten?: Bill and Carol Goss, undated
- The Well Balanced Round Dance Program: Roberta and Bruce Bird, ROUNDALAB Journal, December, 1981
- Progressive Teaching/Dancing Program: Harmon and Betty Jorritsma, ROUNDALAB Journal, August, 1984
- Festival or Clinic: Bob and Barbara Wilder, ROUNDALAB Journal, November, 1984
- Building a Pyramid: Betty and Clancy Mueller, ROUNDALAB Journal, Summer, 1982
- Suggestions for a Beginning Round Dance Teacher: Phil and Royna Thomas, undated
- Teaching Beginners: Callerlab, undated
- Intro to Easy Round Dance Teaching and Cueing for Callers and/or Their Spouses: Bob Fry, ROUNDALAB Journal, June, 1980
- Teaching Beginner Round Dancers the Hickman Way: Don and Pete Hickman, June, 1986
- Teaching Beginner Round Dancers: Dave and Nita Smith, ROUNDALAB Journal, May, 1982
- More Building Blocks for Beginning Dancers: Kay Anderson, Square Dancing, August, 1983
- Presenting the Basics: Jim and Bonnie Bahr, ROUNDALAB Journal, May, 1982
- Teaching Progression for Jive (Phases III through VI): Irv and Betty Easterday, undated
- The Value of Teaching Progressions in the Teaching of Round Dancing: Bill and Carol Goss, undated
- Teaching Progression - Phase III - VI, Latin: Bill and Carol Goss, ROUNDALAB Hournal, Winter, 1986
- Associative Learning: Irv and Betty Easterday, undated
- Our Thoughts on Advancing a Group's Dance Level: Don and Pete Hickman, ROUNDALAB Journal, Summer, 1982
- A Different Approach to Teaching the Turning Two-Step: Betty and Clancy Mueller, ROUNDALAB Journal, May, 1983
- Sequel to Teaching Techique for the Turning Two-Step: Joyce Hooper, ROUNDALAB Journal, Summer, 1983
- Five-Count Rhythm Patterns - What Are They? - Are They New?: Brian Bassett, ROUNDALAB Journal, Winter 1987
- The Hidden Maneuver: Brian Bassett, ROUNDALAB Journal, Winter, 1987
- Ideas On Teaching: Hal and Lou Neitzel, undated
- A Dance Sequence for Teaching the Waltz: Kay Anderson, ROUNDALAB Journal, Summer, 1983
- Feedback Questionnaire: Joyce Hooper, ROUNDALAB Journal, November, 1983
- Comments on Feedback Questionnaire: Charile and Edith Capon, ROUNDALAB Journal, May 1984
- Come Out Dancing Not Fighting: Derek and Jean Tonks, ROUNDALAB Journal, Winter, 1986
- Your Attitude Shows: Jeff Grossman and Joyce Hooper, ROUNDALAB Journal, Winter, 1986
- Teaching Squares and Rounds: Author unknown, undated
- Teaching Techniques and Practical Psychology: Manning Smith, ROUNDALAB Journal, Summer, 1982
- Instruction in the Two-Step Turn: Manning Smith, undated
- Teaching the Fishtail and Whaletail: Betty and Clancy Mueller, ROUNDALAB Journal, February, 1984
- Teaching Round Dancing - Our First Love!: Bob and Martha McNutt, ROUNDALAB Journal, Summer, 1983
- How to Read a Round Dance Cue Sheet: from the Square Dancing Magazine, February, 1974
- One Way to Approach Writing a Round Dance: Doug Hooper, ROUNDALAB Journal, May, 1983
- Suggestions for Writing Round Dance Routines: Ted May, ROUNDALAB Journal, Summer, 1982
- Teaching as a Team: Irv and Betty Easterday, undated
- Teaching as a Team: Don and Pete Hickman, ROUNDALAB Journal, December, 1981
- Teaching Team Concepts: Joyce Hooper, ROUNDALAB Journal, Winter, 1986
- Round Dance Teaching as Teamwork: Lambert Knox and Leila Pennell, Square Dancing, October, 1983
- Teaching as Team Both On and Off the Dance Floor: Richard and Jo Anne Lawson, ROUNDALAB Teachers Seminar/Clinic, June 24, 1987
- The Teaching Partner: Ronnie Fontaine, ROUNDALAB Journal, Spring, 1986
- Behind the Scenes: Koko Sutton, ROUNDALAB Journal, December, 1981
- The Not So Silent Partner: George and Joyce Kammerer, American Square Dance, April, 1983
- From the Heart: Marci Yoder, ROUNDALAB Journal, May, 1982
- Teacher Training: Clancy and Betty Mueller, as presented at Round Dance Seminar at Seattle National Convention, ROUNDALAB Journal, December, 1981
- Letter to ROUNDALAB on Cueing and Teacher Training: from Roy and Phyllis Stier, 12/10/85
- Cross Reference Record Filing System: Victor and Ruth Boucher, ROUNDALAB Journal, May, 1982
- Hall Idea: Ed and Gloria Kilner, ROUNDALAL Journal, Winter, 1986
- A Brief History of Square and Round Dancing: Herb Egender, undated